'RUNNING MEANS CARDIO? For someone who personally loves to run, while in quarantine I had to figure out a way to get in my cardio while social distancing.  Many believe that cardio refers to running. Running is a FORM of cardio. There are many other forms of cardio that one can do apart from running if running is something you drend. Here are just some of the amazing benefits of skipping!  Side note:I was actually part of a skipping club in elementary school and it was so much fun lol  1. Improve Heart Rate Your cardiovascular framework includes your heart, along with the arteries and veins that help circulate blood and oxygen between the heart and other organs. By enhancing the capacity of this framework, your heart will perform more efficiently. You will find yourself suffering less from shortness of breath amid various activities.  2. Weight loss Bouncing rope for 30 minutes can burn roughly 300 calories* and hence can help you achieve your weight loss goals.  3. Full Body Workout Skipping is a full body workout as your are practically utilizing all parts of your body. Your lower body is persistently bouncing. your arms and shoulders are constantly in motion and your abdominal area is involved too.  4. Bone Strength Osteoporosis and weak bones are direct causes of low bone density. Jumping rope regularly can help improve bone density. Moderate intensity rop jumping also safe for people with osteopenia and can help increase hip bone mineral density.  5. May boost mental health Jumping rope with moderate intensity may have positive effect on anxiety, depression and moods. Exercise may increase body temperature and blood circulation in the brain which in turn may reduce stress and improve cognitive dissonance.   FOLLOW US on :-   https://nikiteshlingayat.zumba.com  https://www.facebook.com/nikitesh.lingayat  https://www.instagram.com/nikiteshlingayat/?hl=en  https://www.facebook.com/True-fitness-257321141778665/  https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCSKepEStmH2F160MONMHTxQ' 

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